How To Configure Weather Tile

One of the most useful additions to the SafeMonit panels is the ability to show your local weather. This is best accommodated by using a virtual device setup within your SmartThings hub. If you don't already have it setup, this guide will show you how to do so.

Add SmartWeather Station Tile

  1. First, you will want to navigate your web browser to

  2. From there, click My Locations in the top header, and then click the name of the Location you have integrated with SafeMonit.

  3. Next choose My Devices and click New Device.

  4. Enter the following options:

    Name Value
    Name Weather
    Device Network Id weather
    Type SmartWeather Station Tile
    Version Published
    Location [select your location]
    Hub [select your hub]
  5. You're all set. Now refresh your SafeMonit panel and enter manage mode to add a new tile, and select the 'Weather' mode tile. You should now see the weather device available to be selected.